11. Mai 2003  
Corbeil / FRA  
Rhythmic Gymnastics

World Cup: Tchachina won all around and final

Irina Tchachina (RUS / 110,950) became the best gymnast of 29th International tournament - World Cup - in Corbeil (FRA). She won the final of the best 15 gymnasts and the yesterday's all around competition (84 gymnasts!).
Alina Kabaeva (RUS / 108,875) was 2nd of final competition (3rd all around), Tamara Yerofeeva (UKR / 105,225) got 3rd final place (5th aa). Anna Bessonova (UKR / 100,425), who was on 2nd place yesterday, have a big mistake with ribbon; she is on 5th place.
Like every year, a lot of gymnasts from 43 countries took part in this traditional and big tournament in Corbeil.